How To Get Free Computers For Disabled Adults in 2023

Living with a disability can come with its own set of challenges, and one of the biggest is access to technology. Computers have become an essential tool for education, employment, and communication, and for disabled adults, interestingly they can be game changers as well. 

Not only do they provide access to a wealth of information and resources, but they also allow disabled individuals to participate fully in society. However, the high cost of computers and adaptive equipment can be a barrier for many. 

Today, we’ll discuss the various options available for free computers for disabled adults and how they can impact their lives positively

Here’s an overview of the available options for disabled adults to get a free computer – 

Government Grants:

While the United States Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) does offer grants and aid for people with disabilities, it is important to note that the availability and terms of these grants can vary widely depending on the specific program or initiative in question.

Some grants may require an application fee or a small contribution towards the cost of a particular item, while others may be available at no cost. It is important to research and carefully evaluate the eligibility requirements, application process, and terms of any grants or aid programs before submitting an application or committing to any financial obligations.

Non-Profit Organizations: Non-profit organizations such as the National Foundation for the Blind, which has a program called “Computers for the Blind” to give free computers to impaired individuals. The National Association for the Deaf also runs a program called “Computer Equipment Loans for the Deaf” to loan out free computer equipment to qualifying deaf individuals.

Computer Recycling Centers:Computer Recycling Centers, like the Computer Recycling Center in Northern California, offer refurbished laptops and computers to individuals in need. While the Computer Recycling Center is based in Northern California, they do offer shipping throughout the United States, although there may be shipping fees associated with this service.

Specialized Software Programs: There are a variety of specialized software programs that can aid individuals with disabilities in utilizing standard computers with greater ease. These software options typically include on-screen keyboards or alternative input methods that can be easily operated by those with limited dexterity, as well as the ability to read text aloud through text-to-speech capabilities for web pages or other written materials.

How To Get Free Computers For Disabled Adults

Free Computers For Disabled Adults

Now, let’s have an in-depth look at all the available options for disabled seniors to get a free laptop. 

1. Government Grants

The government grants for disabled people vary depending on states and agencies. 

Assistive Technology for Individuals with Disabilities (AT) grants

Assistive Technology (AT) grants are government-funded programs that provide financial assistance to individuals with disabilities to purchase assistive technology devices and services. These grants are often administered by state government agencies or non-profit organizations and aim to help individuals with disabilities access the technology they need to live independently and participate fully in their communities.

Assistive technology devices and services can include a wide range of tools and resources, such as mobility aids, communication devices, and sensory equipment. These tools can help individuals with disabilities to navigate daily life more effectively, communicate more easily with others, and access education, employment, and other opportunities.

The specific eligibility criteria and application process for AT grants vary by state and organization, but in general, individuals must have a disability and demonstrate a need for the assistive technology they are requesting. For some common types of assistive technology that are covered by AT grants include:

  • Computers and software, including laptops, desktops, and specialized software programs such as screen readers and voice recognition software
  • Adaptive input devices, such as alternative keyboards, mouse alternatives, and touchpads
  • Adaptive output devices, like screen readers, text-to-speech software, and braille displays
  • Mobility devices, such as electric wheelchairs, scooters, and standing devices
  • Environmental control units, which allow individuals to control lights, appliances, and other devices remotely

On top of funding for the technology itself, AT grants also cover the costs of assessments, training, and ongoing technical support. Interested individuals should contact their state’s assistive technology program for more information about the application process and specific eligibility criteria.

Technology Opportunities Program (TOP) Grants

The Technology Opportunities Program grants are provided by the National Telecommunications and Information Administration (NTIA), an agency within the U.S. Department of Commerce. The organization is aimed to promote the use and development of advanced telecommunications and information technology to improve the lives of individuals with disabilities. It’s possible to get free computers for disabled adults from here.

These grants are awarded to organizations that propose innovative projects that will use technology to improve the lives of people with disabilities. These projects can focus on a wide range of areas, including education, employment, healthcare, and community living.

To apply for a grant from Technology Opportunities Program, organizations must submit a proposal outlining their project and its potential impact on people with disabilities. The proposals will then be reviewed by a panel of experts, who will select the most promising projects to receive funding.

Grants can range from $50,000 to $500,000 and can be used to cover the costs of equipment, software, training, and technical assistance. Organizations are required to provide matching funds, additional reports, and evaluations throughout the grant period.

It’s important to note that TOP grants are not always available and the availability of such grants depends on the budget and the funds allocated by the government to this program. Visit the official website of the NTIA when deciding to apply for the program. 

Computer/Electronic Accommodations Program (CAP)

Another great option to get a free computer for disabled adults with disabilities is Computer/Electronic Accommodations Program (CAP). It is a program run by the United States Department of Defense (DOD) that provides financial assistance for computers and electronic accommodations for individuals with disabilities. 

The program’s goal is to ensure that people with disabilities have the same access to technology as those without disabilities, in order to maintain their employment status and improve their overall quality of life.

To qualify for CAP assistance, individuals must be employed by the DOD or be a contractor working for the DOD. They must also have a permanent or long-term disability that affects their ability to use standard computer equipment. 

The program includes accommodations such as assistive technology devices, software, hardware, and services that are necessary for the individual to continue their job properly.

The CAP program is open to all qualified employees or contractors of the DOD, regardless of their level of pay or position within the organization. Financial aid is offered to cover the expense of the accommodation and any required setup and instruction. Eligible individuals can apply for this aid by getting in touch with their nearest CAP office or by accessing the CAP website.

Supplemental Security Income (SSI)

Supplemental Security Income (SSI) is a federal income supplement program that has been in existence since 1972. It is designed to provide financial assistance to low-income individuals who are 65 or older, blind, or disabled and are unable to work due to their disabilities.

To qualify for SSI, an individual must have a limited income and assets, and be a U.S. citizen or national.

Individuals who receive SSI can qualify for additional assistance, such as Medicaid or food stamps. Additionally, SSI recipients can be eligible for assistive technology and computer equipment through the Computer/Electronic Accommodations Program (CAP) which is a program that provides financial assistance for assistive technology for individuals with disabilities. Moreover, Eligible individuals can use SSI funds to purchase assistive technology devices, such as computers.

To apply for SSI, individuals need to contact the Social Security Administration and fill out an application, providing information about their income, assets, and disability. Once the application is processed, the SSA will make a determination of eligibility based on the individual’s financial situation and disability status.

2. Non-Profit Organizations

Non-Profit Organizations

World Computer Exchange

The nonprofit organization, “Computers with Causes.” This organization works with local nonprofits, schools, libraries, and governments to provide free refurbished computers to people in need, including disabled adults.

Computers with Causes provides information about schools or organizations that offer free laptops or computers to disabled individuals, and interested individuals can apply by explaining their needs and how a computer will help them become more independent. The organization has provided over five million free computers to people in need.

Microsoft Registered Refurbishers

Microsoft also has a program that aims to provide free devices to low-income families and disabled individuals. The program is called “Microsoft Registered Refurbishers.”

Through this program, individuals can obtain refurbished, genuine Microsoft computers and laptops at no cost. The goal of the program is to help people with disabilities and low-income families improve their quality of life by providing them with access to technology.

To apply for a free laptop or computer through the program, individuals need to fill out an online application form and provide information about their need for the device and how it will help them. Eligibility criteria and the application process can be found on the Microsoft website.


The benevolent organization known as Computers4Kids has taken it upon themselves to generously provide those who are classified as low-income, children, and people with disabilities with complimentary laptops and computers, as a means to bridge the digital divide and afford access to technology that would otherwise be unattainable.

This laudable entity has taken the initiative to partner with schools and community organizations to pinpoint those who are in need and subsequently provide them with revitalized and renovated computers and laptops, along with the added perks of training and technical support. The noble aim of Computers4Kids is to facilitate individuals and families in advancing their education, enriching their employment prospects, and enhancing their overall quality of life.

Computers for All

It is a US-based non-profit organization that provides free laptops to low-income families and individuals with disabilities. To be eligible, you need to have an income of less than $40,000 per year or meet other criteria set out by the organization. 

It has a similar goal as the Computers4Kids, albeit everyone can get a computer from here. Anyways, they also provide ongoing technical support and resources to help ensure that the laptops are used to their fullest potential.


The online platform in question serves as an intermediary between individuals who seek to dispose of items they no longer require and individuals who are in need of such items. The platform operates on a non-profit basis, offering the free recycling of goods for the purpose of re-use.

This virtuous organization additionally works alongside other local entities to offer cost-free items, such as computers and laptops, to those who are in dire need of such goods.

To avail oneself of the organization’s generous services, an application for their program must be completed, and it may be necessary to navigate some bureaucratic procedures. It is noteworthy that the organization does not possess any goods of its own, relying solely on donations from magnanimous individuals who wish to dispense with their outdated computers and laptops.

You can get free computers for disabled persons, Freecycle who require such technical equipment from the organization.

Computer Recycling Centers

Computer Recycling Centers are organizations that collect and refurbish used computers and electronics, and then distribute them to individuals and organizations in need, including disabled seniors. They have local volunteers to collect and refurbish these donated computers and other electronic equipment. 

The process for obtaining a free computer from a Computer Recycling Center may vary depending on the organization. Typically, individuals need to contact the organization and submit an application, which generally includes providing proof of disability and income. The organization will then review the application and determine eligibility.

Some Computer Recycling Centers can also provide training and technical support to ensure that the computers are used effectively by the recipients. Moreover, they may also offer specific equipment or software to adapt the computer to the needs of the disabled person.

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3. Specialized software programs

Specialized software programs

Specifically tailored software applications have been developed with the purpose of facilitating the efficient use of conventional computers by individuals with disabilities. These specialized programs are typically outfitted with features such as on-screen keyboards and alternative input methods that can be operated by users with limited manual dexterity. Furthermore, these programs boast text-to-speech capabilities that enable the computer to audibly articulate the contents of web pages or other textual documents. Some examples of specialized software programs are – 

JAWS (Job Access With Speech) – A screen reader software that reads text on a computer screen aloud, making it easier for users who are visually impaired to use a computer.

ZoomText – It magnifies text and images on a computer screen, making it easier for users who have visual impairments to see the screen.

Dragon NaturallySpeaking – This voice recognition software that allows users to control the computer with their voice, making it easier for users who have difficulty using a keyboard or mouse.

Click-N-Type – A virtual on-screen keyboard that can be used as an alternative to a physical keyboard for users who have difficulty typing.

Read&Write – This software helps users with reading and writing difficulties by providing tools such as text-to-speech and spell checker.

MAGic – With the help of this screen magnification software, you can enlarge the text and images on a computer screen, making it easier for users with visual impairments to see the screen.

OpenBook – A software that reads text aloud, making it easier for users who are visually impaired to read printed materials.

These are just a few examples of specialized software programs that are available to help disabled individuals use computers more effectively. You can find many other software programs available; all you need to do is search for the one suitable for your disability. 


To summarize, obtaining free computers for disabled adults can greatly improve their quality of life by providing access to information, education, and employment opportunities. There are a variety of options available, including government grants, non-profit organizations, computer recycling centers, and specialized software programs, which I mentioned in this article. 

Today, I provided a brief view of organizations. But, it’s also important to research and contact these organizations to find out what type of assistance they offer, and to understand the eligibility criteria required. 

Also, there are some organizations, outside of the list, that offer free or low-cost computers to disabled individuals, based on their income and the state they live in. 
That being said, I hope this article has provided a helpful overview of the options available for obtaining free computers for disabled adults.

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